Tag: publishing

  • I’d like to express my gratitude to John Maxwell for extending an invitation to speak at SFU’s Masters of Publishing program about Interaction Design and its relevance to publishing. It was great to meet the mPUB cohort and we had a great time discussing the user experience of a digital/print hybrid user experience. Here is…

  • Written by Haig Armen and Lucinda Atwood ABSTRACT In this paper, we describe a new approach to digital textbooks: The textbook as a participatory and social experience. By meshing reader-generated commentary with the original text the textbook becomes a dynamic documentation of the course material and the discussion around it. The author or teacher maintains…

  • I had an amazing time in Calgary (of all places) giving a talk about the Future of Magazines for Alberta’s Magazine Conference 2011. The conference was top notch, I met some truly awesome people and look forward to keeping in touch with them all. Here’s my slidedeck from the conference. Mobile Magazine Publishing Some of…