Most of my research these days is about getting to the heart of how we interact with musical instruments, exploring the essence of a nuanced touch that a piano player has or that subtle vibrato that makes one guitar player different than another. As a departure or brief interlude I’ve been thinking also about how…
Everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Machine Learning(ML) and I beginning to investigate how it may shape the way we design musical instruments. First let’s get the terminology straight, AI and Machine Learning are not the same thing, although many use the words interchangeably. Artificial Intelligence is a large umbrella term for when computing…
Rather than using RaspberryPi and Pd (PureData) as the sound generator in this experiment I wanted to use another sound source, something that resonates acoustically that I could alter the sound of but retain the playability of the original instrument. Why not a ukulele? Running Headless I know what you’re thinking, you probably have a…
I’m going to start documenting each Sonic Interactions experiment for the purpose of marking where I am in the process. Each one of these is merely a rough sketch to build upon and are in no means finished. My first experiment takes data from the accelerometer of a SenseHat and uses it to change parameters…
I’m curious about genealogy. Maybe it has something to do with being Armenian and having your family tree cut off after only a few generations, but I’ve recently been looking into software to enable genealogy tracking. What I’ve found is the following software: Family Tree Maker (PC) Legacy Family Tree (PC) RootsMagic (PC) REUNION (Mac)…