Category: Design

  • “One of the principles of durable typography is always legibility; another is something more than legibility: some earned or unearned interest that gives its living energy to the page.” – Robert Bringhurst

  • More brilliance from one of my all time favourite illustrators

  • I’ll be presenting a talk on a new topic for me at this year’s Content Convergence and Integration Conference on March 14th. The subject I’ve chosen is Service Design – a new term for designing and integrating all the various touchpoints of a brand into a new networked service. It’s a fairly new approach to…

  • I don’t know about you, but I will definitely be at ECIAD on November 8th. Last year I completely devoured Bill Moggridge’s book Designing Interactions. A comprehensive historic look at the innovators and milestones of interface design. Bill Moggridge is co-founder of the Silicon Valley-based design firm IDEO, independently ranked by business leaders as one…

  • London was buzzing for the last two weeks of September. Everywhere you looked, on every street corner there seemed to be something about design. The city was filled with museum exhibits, public art and storefronts with interactive installations. I took in what I could in a week before heading to the south of France for…

  • Marketing Wahaca

    While cruising the streets of London I was approached by a smart looking guy offering me the chance to grow my own jalapeno peppers at home. He handed me a small pink package, that looked a bit like a book of matches. Inside were five chilli-pepper seeds, with instructions on how to plant them. As…

  • The Replenishing Body

    While in London for their design festival I visited an interesting interactive installation at the Beyond the Valley showroom. The installation was put on by SHOWstudios, who’s Head of Interactive Ross Phillips I met at the iDesign conference. The piece is a collaboration with Evian (the people that bring us expensive water) and uses 1…

  • Lately there’s been a lot of talk about Edward Tufte. Who is he? He may be the only designer with a roadie. If you have yet to read any of his books you will find depth and clarity in his explanations of information design that simplifies complex data systems. Or perhaps you could read his…

  • Mark Your Space

    More and more, it seems that one of the stronger motivational factors of the web is to tag, mark you space, define your borders, or claim your territory. Call it what you will, it seems like a new continent has been discovered and everyone wants a piece. No visual representation shows this more that DrawBall.…

  • Composer under the Hood

    There’s no telling what you’ll find if you just rummage under the hood of Apple’s OS X. If you’ve got a mac, chances are you probably haven’t yet found the Quartz Composer. It’s a cool possibly geeky way of generating motion graphics on the fly. QC has a unique method of composing motion graphics recipes…