Until now, Web Designers have had to test all of their designs in IE 6 before launching a website, because so many Windows users still use it. Fortunately, those days are coming to an end. Microsoft is planning to force all Windows users to upgrade their Internet Explorer version to IE 7. This is extremely…
I’m curious about genealogy. Maybe it has something to do with being Armenian and having your family tree cut off after only a few generations, but I’ve recently been looking into software to enable genealogy tracking. What I’ve found is the following software: Family Tree Maker (PC) Legacy Family Tree (PC) RootsMagic (PC) REUNION (Mac)…
This is just a reminder for me to start doing some major cleaning up. It’s been a really busy year and in many aspects there has been a lot of loose ends left behind. The clean up starts now. The list starts here: My Dreamhost account: lots of stray orphans here. It’s time to round…
I’ve been working with RubyOnRails for about a year now. Now that I’ve got a new MacBookPro I’ve got to reinstall Rails on Leopard. Although there’s a fair bit online about the subject it’s still a pretty counter intuitive process for designer types like myself.
Content Management Systems are great. They’ve become more flexible and easier to implement, allowing companies big and small to have the ability to manage the content on their websites without breaking the bank. There’s a problem though, and it’s not a technology one. It’s a people problem. If you’re having trouble managing the content on…
It’s no surprise that I’m a big fan of open source software, after all, I use software like WordPress and Drupal a lot. I have also been a strong believer in ActiveCollab, an open source project management software, and so it came as a big surprise when they decided to close their open source model…
Lately there’s been a lot of talk about Edward Tufte. Who is he? He may be the only designer with a roadie. If you have yet to read any of his books you will find depth and clarity in his explanations of information design that simplifies complex data systems. Or perhaps you could read his…