The good people of MIT have done it again with an impressive new report called “The future of learning”. With minds on the front edge of theory, application, and innovation, they’ve shown leadership in harnessing and shaping the emerging trends between technology, media, and learning. Thanks to funding from the MacArthur Foundation, The MIT Press…
Today I started teaching the two Interactivity Courses at Emily Carr University. The courses are back to back 12:30 – 3:20pm and 3:50 – 6:40pm. The Course Outline This introductory studio course addresses the design, composition, and construction of computer interactivity in authoring environments, focusing on the Web. Emphasis is on increasing visual and sensory-based…
This is one sadly neglected blog. I’d like to apologize for not keeping up with this publication. Let’s just say I’ve been busy. I do have big plans for this site and I hope to roll them out soon. In the meantime sign up for the mailing list and I’ll let you know what I’ve…
Last year the International Documentary Association put out a list of the best 25 documentary films ever made. My interest in documentaries has been growing steadily compared to my disinterest in Hollywood flics. If you’re at all interested in docs then this list is a great place to start. 1. Hoop Dreams (1994), directed by…
I’ll be presenting a talk on a new topic for me at this year’s Content Convergence and Integration Conference on March 14th. The subject I’ve chosen is Service Design – a new term for designing and integrating all the various touchpoints of a brand into a new networked service. It’s a fairly new approach to…
Until now, Web Designers have had to test all of their designs in IE 6 before launching a website, because so many Windows users still use it. Fortunately, those days are coming to an end. Microsoft is planning to force all Windows users to upgrade their Internet Explorer version to IE 7. This is extremely…
I’m curious about genealogy. Maybe it has something to do with being Armenian and having your family tree cut off after only a few generations, but I’ve recently been looking into software to enable genealogy tracking. What I’ve found is the following software: Family Tree Maker (PC) Legacy Family Tree (PC) RootsMagic (PC) REUNION (Mac)…
Lots of big changes happening in 2008, I have agreed to teach Interface Design at Langara’s Electronic Media Design program. But this time will be a bit different, I’ll be assisted by Kathleen Moynahan of Habanero who will eventually teach the course in my place. All our notes will be compiled on our Interface Design…
This is just a reminder for me to start doing some major cleaning up. It’s been a really busy year and in many aspects there has been a lot of loose ends left behind. The clean up starts now. The list starts here: My Dreamhost account: lots of stray orphans here. It’s time to round…
I’ve been working with RubyOnRails for about a year now. Now that I’ve got a new MacBookPro I’ve got to reinstall Rails on Leopard. Although there’s a fair bit online about the subject it’s still a pretty counter intuitive process for designer types like myself.