Driven to learn as much as I can about how we interact with technology over the past 20 years I have focused my energy into teaching design at Emily Carr University and building the Interaction Design program.

Getting here has been a long winding journey. There was a time when I worked as a professional musician playing guitar for 8-10 hrs a day, for years I practiced my craft during the day and gigged constantly. I studied composition and jazz in university in Montréal and graduated with a huge interest in recording music on computers. And before that, I studied architecture and began working in an architectural firm in Ottawa.

Over the years I have transitioned from a more traditional graphic design designed corporate identities, book covers, ads, album artwork and promotional items for prestigious clients like BMW, Chanel & Nokia. In 1999 I accepted a position as a CBC Radio and Web Producer and after about 6 years began a design agency called LiFT studios, which has evolved into a partnership called

All that to say, I’ve had a lot of interests throughout my life and I am most interested in the intersection of music, design and technology.

If you’re interested in a more official Biography click here